
Goal. To study the technological properties of grain additives for their use in products based on milk-grain mixtures and to develop technological regulations for manufacturing dairy products with grain additives. Methods. Physicochemical and microbiological parameters of grain additives, milk-grain mixtures, and the finished product were determined by standard methods, the effective viscosity of milk-grain mixtures — using a rotary viscometer «REOTEST-II». Results. Industrial dairy products are becoming increasingly popular among consumers due to their stable quality, storage capacity and convenient packaging. It is established that milk porridges for dietary food of children are a full-fledged replacement of similar products of the supplementary food made by children’s kitchens or in house conditions. The technology of industrial production of products based on raw milk and grain additives should provide a high-quality product with appropriate physicochemical and microbiological parameters that meet the requirements for products intended for children. The results of research on the technological properties of gluten-free types of flour for their use in the production of dairy products are presented. Targets for effective viscosity of milk-grain mixtures at different doses of grain additives have been set. It is found that the components of plant origin due to the ability to form complexes with milk proteins perform the functions of stabilizing agents. The conditions of their preparation for use have been worked out and the doses in the formulations are recommended. Technological regulations for the production of milk porridge have been developed, physicochemical properties have been determined, the nutritional and energy value of dairy products has been calculated. The conducted researches will allow expanding the range of dairy products of guaranteed quality presented on the domestic market. Conclusions. The use of milk-grain mixtures of rice flour (4–7%), corn and oat flour (7%), oatmeal (7–10%) provides optimal consumer and functional-technological indicators during the production of milk porridge. Technological regulations for the production of milk porridge have been developed, physicochemical properties and composition of the product have been determined, its nutritional and energy value has been calculated.


  • It is found that the components of plant origin due to the ability to form complexes with milk proteins perform the functions of stabilizing agents. The conditions of their preparation for use have been worked out and the doses in the formulations are recommended

  • Technological regulations for the production of milk porridge have been developed, physicochemical properties and composition of the product have been determined, its nutritional and energy value has been calculated

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Дослідити технологічні властивості зернових добавок для їх використання у складі продуктів на основі молочно-зернових сумішей та розробити технологічний регламент виробництва молочних продуктів із зерновими добавками. Наведено результати досліджень технологічних властивостей безглютенових видів борошна для їх використання під час виробництва молочних продуктів. Використання у складі молочно-зернових сумішей рисового борошна 4 – 7%, кукурудзяного і вівсяного борошна — 7, толокна вівсяного — 7 – 10% забезпечує оптимальні споживчі та функціонально-технологічні показники під час виробництва каш молочних. Мета досліджень — дослідити технологічні властивості зернових добавок для їх використання у складі продуктів на основі молочно-зернових сумішей та розробити технологічний регламент виробництва молочних продуктів із зерновими добавками. За результатами досліджень фізико-хімічних властивостей визначені вихідні дані для опрацювання умов підготовки та температурних режимів для застосування зернових добавок у складі рецептур під час виробництва молочних продуктів Од. рН Температура клейстеризації, °С Ступінь набухання за температури 20°С, %

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The technology of structured dairy products using grain additives
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