
The present article analyzes the historical and legal issues of victims of crimes in Sweden. At the present stage of development of Swedish criminal law, the Institute of the rights of victims of crime in Sweden is one of the most developed. Criminal protection of victims of crimes in the Russian Federation attends relatively little attention. The history of formation of Institute of the rights of victims is a necessary foundation for the development of it in a modern Russian theory of law and legislation. The historical background of the Institute the rights of victims which has determined the contours of a modern understanding of the rights of victims, for example, was reflected in a Swedish law. Some elements of the criminal law concept of crime victims in Sweden, such as free legal assistance, certain elements of compensation (e.g., compensation for physical and moral damages) may be implemented in the domestic theory of law and legislation. International studies indicate that the level of victimization of the population of European countries, which show the number of actual victims of crimes, is at average of 16% of the total population. In this regard, the possibility of the reception of the Swedish legal doctrine devoted to the protection of victims of crime is of particular importance for the Russian theory of law.

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