
The article mitropolitan the influence of changes in the region caused by the great geographical discoveries and of the development of capitalist relations during the late Middle Ages on the foreign trade relations of Azerbaijan, and, first of all, on the nature and scope of the Azerbaijan-Russia economic relations carried out through the Volga-Caspian transit trade route. The article shows that Russian Tsar Peter I, taking advantage of the new situation in the region due to the loss of the importance of the “Great Silk Road” and the deep decline of the Safavid state bigan strengthening Russia’s position in international trade, turning the Volga-Caspian trade route into the main artery of east-west trade, and most importantly, for establishing direct trade relations with India. In the article, while addressing that very topical issuesolving that issue which is quite relevant for Azerbaijani historiography, the author abandoned the traditional approaches left over from the Soviet era and tried to create an objective picture of Azerbaijan-Russia trade relations in the first half of the 18th century based on reliable sources.

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