
The author’s Orthodox sermon became widespread in Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth only at the turn of the 17th century. The first published sermons on the occasion of church weddings and funerals, as well as the so-called “materia” or thesis plans for the compilations of sermons, belong to this period. The book heritage of the Archimandrite of Vilnius Brotherhood monastery, Leontij Karpovyč (ca. 1580 –1620), is one of the noteworthy examples of combining patristic traditions of exegetic homiletics with imitation of Polish models of thematic preaching. The paper explores the sources of Karpovyč’s funeral homily “Kazanie na pogrzebie” on the occasion of the funeral of Prince V. Golitsyn (pronounced in “prostaya mova”, published in Polish). The study aims to reconstruct the intellectual resource of the sermon on the basis of the given by Karpovyč references and quotations and to outline the main sources of the text, including biblical fragments. This analysis helps to find out the reading circle of Orthodox intellectuals associated with the Vilnius Brotherhood monastery and to identify out the elements of similarity of the sources of their erudition with the curriculum of non-Orthodox educational institutions, as well as the degree to which Orthodox author had mastered the Polish literary tradition.

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