
The article provides a comprehensive analysis of the cultural monuments of the Smolensk land of the 12-14 centuries, which could have been created thanks to the Diocese. The idea of the exceptional richness and versatility of the Smolensk culture of this period, which had a direct or indirect influence on the course of development of Russian medieval culture as a whole, both before and after the Mongol conquest, is revealed. Smolensk land in the pre-Mongolian period was one of the key regions of Rus'. At the beginning of the 13 century it was one of the four strongest lands, and representatives of the local princely dynasty simultaneously owned all the free tables: Kiev, Novgorod and Galich. This makes us look differently at the role and significance of Smolensk, not only in the political, but also in the cultural life of Rus'. The article analyzes the influence of the Diocese of Smolensk on the development of sociocultural processes in the Smolensk land in the 12-14 centuries. So, in Smolensk, through the efforts of the prince and the bishop, presumably, their own architectural school was formed, a characteristic feature of which is a special stepped-tower-like type of temple, the aspiration of architectural forms upwards, and the expressive decorativeness of the facade. Taking into account various traditions and developing them, the Smolensk masters found their own way. Smolensk architecture largely anticipated the coming changes in the architecture of North-Eastern Rus'. It seems significant that two artels operated in the city at once: princely and bishops. We can judge about the scope of church construction by the archaeological data found on the territory of Smolensk. Three churches of the 12th century have survived to this day: those are the Archangel Michael, John the Theologian, and the Apostles Peter and Paul. In parallel, monumental painting also developed, where the Smolensk masters were innovators and ahead of their time. It also formed its own artel of painters. Smolensk literacy was also distinguished by exceptional originality. Today we can talk about nine monuments that have come down to us, which are works of different genres and themes.

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