
In arid regions, forest strips are one of the most important natural resources. The use of modern preparations that improve the growth and development of plants will allow the most complete and effective cultivation of planting material and meet the need for various types of forest products. Squat elm (Ulmus pumila L.) has increased resistance to drought, decorative and protective properties. During the experiment, the authors tested a humic fertilizer-a growth biostimulator “Biofulen torfogel”, which contains nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, humic and fulvic acids, which provide the plant with all the necessary nutrients during active growth. It was revealed that Biofulen torfogel has a positive effect on seedlings of squat elm, increasing their biometric parameters several times in comparison with the control. Weather conditions in 2020 and 2022 were milder, as a result of which the weight of the root and foliage of the studied plants under the wagging of the drug turned out to be higher than in 2021. It is established that the regulation of the time of soaking seeds in the preparation “Biofulen” allows you to get elm seedlings of various sizes. Additional treatment of leaves with a biostimulator In arid regions, forest strips are one of the most important natural resources. The use of modern preparations that improve the growth and development of plants will allow the most complete and effective cultivation of planting material and meet the need for various types of forest products. Squat elm (Ulmus pumila L.) has increased resistance to drought, decorative and protective properties. During the experiment, the authors tested a humic fertilizer-a growth biostimulator “Biofulen torfogel”, which contains nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, humic and fulvic acids, which provide the plant with all the necessary nutrients during active growth. It was revealed that Biofulen torfogel has a positive effect on seedlings of squat elm, increasing their biometric parameters several times in comparison with the control. Weather conditions in 2020 and 2022 were milder, as a result of which the weight of the root and foliage of the studied plants under the wagging of the drug turned out to be higher than in 2021. It is established that the regulation of the time of soaking seeds in the preparation “Biofulen” allows you to get elm seedlings of various sizes. Additional treatment of leaves with a biostimulator

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