
The effect of pre-sowing biological treatment of seeds of two varieties (Tyumenskaya 25 and Shortandinskaya 95 improved) of spring soft wheat on field germination of seeds, biological stability and plant survival during the growing season in relation to the productivity was studied. The study was conducted in field conditions (an experimental plot of the biostation “Lake Kuchak”of University of Tyumen) on sod-podzolic soil, sandy loam in granulometric composition. Weather conditions for the years of the study were characterized as dry in 2020 (HTC=0.86), very dry in 2021 (HTC =0.39) and slightly dry in 2022 (HTC =1.0). Biopreparations increased the field germination of seeds (up to 16.1%, variety Tyumenskaya 25) and biological resistance of plants (up to 14.1%, variety Shortandinskaya 95 improved). The greatest effect was obtained in the variant with a Consortium of Bacillus simplex 948 P-1 TS and Bacillus megaterium 312 TS strains. Seed inoculation increased plant survival during the growing season; variety Shortandinskaya 95 improved was characterized by greater responsiveness to the action of biopreparations. This variety obtained the maximum grain yield in the variants with Cytohumate (2.27 t/ha) and Consortium of strains (2.14 t/ha) (28.9% and 21.5% higher than the control, respectively) on average over the three years. After seed biological treatment the prevalence of powdery mildew and brown rust on a natural background decreased. In experimental plots with AFG, Albite (Tyumenskaya 25), AFG, Bisolbisan, Bisolbiphite and Consortium of strains (Shortandinskaya 95 improved), in contrast to the control, there were no signs of plant infestation by powdery mildew. The article was prepared within the State Assignment of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation No. FEWZ-2021–0007 “Adaptive capacity of agricultural plants in the extreme conditions of the Northern Trans-Urals”.

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