
Information sphere, performing an important function of coordination and regulation of public life, actively influences the political, economic, military and other components of the security of the Republic of Armenia (RA). The national security of the Republic of Armenia largely depends on the provision of information security, and this dependence is increasing along with scientific and technical progress. Today, information flows pose threats and challenges of a new nature for states, which requires action in the information field with such rules that ensure coordination, control and security of information flows, as well as prevention of distortion of public opinion by spreading false information and blocking reliable information and etc. In such realities information security acquires strategic importance in the security system of the state. This article is devoted to the study of issues of legal provision of information security in emergency situations. The study of the legislation regulating the sector allowed to reveal, that the normative legal provision of the information security in emergency situations in RA as an entire system for the protection of the national interests of RA is not sufficiently developed. The way of the settlement of the raised issues passes through the improvement of the legislation.

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