
The results of the study of varieties and selected forms of black currant on the resistance to septoria leaf spot (white spotting) and cercosporosis (brown spotting of leaves) in the conditions of the south-western part of Non-chernozem zone of Russia (2001-2017) have been presented. The aim of the work is to identify genetic sources of resistance to pathogens. As a result of long-term researches the best combinations of crossings on the output of the highly resistant forms to septoria leaf spot: Orloviya × Yadryonaya, Golubichka × Orloviya, Yadryonaya × Venera, Rita × Titania, Gratsiya × Monisto, Izyumnaya × Chernaya Vual’, Kipiana × Glarioza, Istok × Tamerlan, 7-1-157 × Litvinovskaya, Tamerlan × Litvinovskaya, [(762-5-82 × Dobrynya 1) × Selechenskaya 2] and the populations from the free pollination of the Debryansk, Kudesnik, Orlovskaya Serenada, Tamerlan varieties and a range of selected forms have been established. Varieties and selective forms, characterized by high resistance to septoria leaf spot (Pamyati Potapenko, Podarok Veteranam, Raduzhnaya, Rita, Sensei, Tamerlan, Tiben, 6-14-4, 33-27-1, 28-03-2, 36-17-8 et al.) and cercosporosis (Gulliver, Kipiana, Myth, Sevchanka, Sharovidnaya, Ben Hopen, 1-5-1, 4-34-8, 7-03-15 et al.) have been revealed, on plants which even in epiphytotytic seasons there were marked insigni fi cant foci of lesions of the leaf apparatus.

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