
The revealed syntaxonomic diversity of meadow vegetation of the Dnieper mouth area comprises 12 associations subordinated to 7 alliances, 5 orders, and 3 classes: Scorzonero—Juncetea gerardii, Festuco-Puccinellietea and Molinio-Arrhenatheretea. For each class, the phytosociological tables are presented together with the summarizing vegetation syntaxa prodromus and the ecological-phytocoenological portraits of the associations described. Meadow commu­nities of the study area have been proved to bear peculiar features of their structure and composition. The spatial distribution of communities is mainly governed by the inundation regime and the degree of soil salinity. The results of the floristic analysis have pointed out notable numbers of rare and endangered plants participating in the community composition. These facts, together with the increasing anthropogenic impact on the vegetation, prompt us to discuss the problems of meadow vegetation conservation.

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