
The purpose of this study is to investigate textual-critically some fragmentary NT papyri. The researches on NT papyri in the second half of the 20<SUP>th</SUP> century were restricted mainly to the so called “big papyri”, i.e. Chester Beatty and Bodmer Papyri (?Ρ45, Ρ?46, ?Ρ47, Ρ?66, ?Ρ72, ?Ρ75), because we in those days developed no proper method to analyse fragments. At the turning of the century, fragmentary papyri began to gain interest in the NT scholarship, and resultingly, several researches on fragmentary NT Papyri have been published. Most of them, however, are limited to the level of general introductions, which could not make the fragments useful as individual textual-critical evidences.<BR> On the basis of this context, we tried not only to study scribal habits, but also to inquire characteristics of each of their texts and their meaning as a group as well. Furthermore, we attempted to evaluate each individual fragmentary papyrus textual-critically, so that they may be useful evidences so much as the so called “big papyri”, not only to understand the history of the text, but also to reconstruct the so called “original” text.<BR> This should be just an example study to explore the world of early fragmentary NT papyri, and is expected to stimulate further researches on this field.

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