
The article provides an analysis of the use of OLAP technology in the design of modular objects based on information modeling technologies, presents the classification and systematization of information models of modular elements of maximum readiness. The purpose of this study is to develop and analyze a data model for the most effective data management of an information model of a capital construction object both at the design stage and at subsequent stages of the life cycle. In order to achieve this goal, it is necessary to take into account not only the features and attributes of information models, but also the key characteristics of modular design, including elements of the MEG within the existing tools for systematization of digital data. As a result, the impact of using OLAP cubes to represent a modular object at all stages of the life cycle is considered. New possibilities and advantages of using the OLAP data management model of the information model of the capital construction object are presented. The directions of further research are formulated.

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