
The work was conducted in the laboratory of immunity of the V.S. Pustovoit All-Russian Research Institute of Oil Crops during 2016–2020. Twelve homozygous lines resistant to broomrape races A–G were developed from the sources of different origin. A line RG and other five: RGL1, RGL2, RGР1, RGР2, and RGВ, were described in the previous articles (Antonova et al., 2016, Araslanova et al., 2020) [1; 2]. Further new lines we named as 2RGB, 2RGN, 2RGL, 2RGS, 2RGNV, and 2RGA. We tested these lines for distinguishability, homogeneity and stability according to a technique “Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.)” stated in a publication RTG/01/3 “Common introduction into testing of distinguishability, homogeneity and stability and compilation of description” of 22.07.2002 No 12-06/52 (Official bulletin of the State Commission No 6, 2002) [3]. The new lines also as the previous ones are differed from each other by their morphological traits, such as duration of a period from emergence to plants flowering, plants height, shape and color of a leaf and ray flower, etc. This description of the lines resistant to broomrape race G can be used in breeding practice at development of sunflower hybrids.

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