
The understanding of very special systems of third type was created according to W.Weaver efforts. The new theory of chaos – self- organization was created last 40 years and was based on other understanding of stationary mode of third type of systems and its very specific chaotic behavior. The analog of the systems with physical system was discussed too. The third type of systems (opposite of deterministic and stochastic systems) was presented. It was discussed the principle distinguishes between dynamics of such system and traditional systems according to Heisenberg uncertainty principle. Traditional systems have certain and reproducible initial state of its system’s state vector and we can predict its future states. But in the third type of systems the authors have uncertain initial system state and uncertain vector states. It is a unique system which I.R. Prigogine in his famous article to the future generation determines as systems behind the science. The time for researching of such systems has come. For the modeling of biosystems, the authors propose method of quasi-attractor and define five special properties of complex systems. The main of it is connected with uninterrupted chaotic movements (glimmering property) of system’s vector in phase space of state and evolution of such system’s state vector in phase space of state. It was demonstrated that Heizenberg principle of uncertainty has special analog at theory of chaos – self organization. The botton boarder of the left side of inequality for the systems of third type the authors propose the value of quasiattractors, inside of it we chaos uninferrupled and chaotic movements of systems state vector. The value of quasiattractor determine like multiplication of coordinat x its speed dx/dt.

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