
Cherry is rather sensitive to the temperature and water regime violation that reflects itself primarily on the fruits quantity and quality. The weather conditions in the Right Bank subzone of the Ukraine’s Western Lisosteppe are characterized with the general air temperature increase, less expressed frosty periods during hibernation, shortening of the winter and spring seasons, greater summer duration. The enumerated conditions result in the early exit of the plants from the dormancy state with the considerable loss of the abilities of the acclimation to potential frosts in the springtime period. Due to this the decision was taken to carry out the monitoring researches of the winter and spring periods of 2018-2020 in order to obtain the operative information about the cherry orchards state. This enables to predict the potential of the investigated plants business productivity in the real time. As a result of analyzing the abiotic stress-factors influence on the crop the following unfavourable factors were noted, above all: heavy winds at the beginning and during the mass flowering, violation of the water and temperature regime in the impregnation and infructescense periods. Those factors cause the harvest decrease. However, the formation of the plants high productivity depends in full on their adaptivity to the environmental conditions. Therefore among the 7 explored hybrids the generative buds of 1/20, 1/21 and 2/60 were affected essentially in the form of the little drying of the pistils stigmas, decrease of the pollen qualitative indices and fertility. That indicates the lower trees adaptivity to the abiotic stress-factors as compared to the control cultivar Podbielska. The forms 2/39 and 2/54 distinguish themselves for the high winter-hardiness. This is connected with the high environment adaptivity and characterizes them as early-ripening large-fruited and productive hybrids.

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