
Professional trainings in specialty 7.03030202 ‘Public Relations’ helps to meet the staffing needs of publishing and other industries in the social transformation’s period. At present, this work focuses on new needs and challenges brought with the development of electronic communications systems.The implementation of fundamental educational training program for professionals in the specialty ‘Public Relations’ provided the necessary information base that reflects the achievements of science and technology in the field of publishing. Teaching work at the Department of Publishing and Editing subordinate the practical realization of the education’s goals in theUkraineand at the University. In search of the most effective forms and methods of forming a broad scientific outlook for students in development of their science and culture, professional knowledge, skills and training of highly qualified specialists.Given the need for the publishing industry in the high level’s editorial and publishing staff prevailing at National Technical University of Ukraine ‘Kyiv Polytechnic Institute’ logistical, research, personnel, methodological basis to ensure quality in teaching disciplines in field of expertise 0303 ‘Journalism and Information’ and existing and potential to constantly improve the training of specialists according to social needs, consider it appropriate to provide the National Technical University of Ukraine ‘Kyiv Polytechnic Institute’ accreditation for professional trainings in educational qualification of ‘specialist’ in area of expertise 0303 ‘Journalism and Information’ with specialty 7.03030202 ‘Public Relations’.


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Спеціальність 7.03030202 — «Зв’язки з громадськістю» за кріплено за випусковою кафед рою видавничої справи та реда гування. АКРЕДИТАЦІЯ В НТУУ «КПІ» ПІДГОТОВКИ СПЕЦІАЛІСТІВ ЗА СПЕЦІАЛЬНІСТЮ 7.03030202 — «ЗВ’ЯЗКИ З ГРОМАДСЬКІСТЮ»

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