
The problem of managing logistics supply chains in the business processes of interaction of economic entities using smart contracts in economic practice is considered. The objects of the study are the business processes of the movement of commodity-material (physical products) and intangible (digital products) values created by Industry 4.0 factories that carry out activities in the industrial segment of the economy. The purpose of the study is to synthesize an economic management system containing smart contracts in local and global circuits and regulating intra- and inter-company business relations of digital (product development), smart (product production) and virtual (product maintenance) factories. A feature of the regulatory processes applied to the management of economic entities is the deep digitalization of information and communication channels of interaction between factories, through which the mechanism of economic influence on the material and service flows of the logistics movement of products is implemented. The scheme is proposed and the management principle is described, based on cost, time and other criteria and providing end-to-end economic regulation of material, service, financial and information flows that characterize the logistics movement of products in the course of its full life cycle and its individual stages. The novelty of the research results lies in the complementary use in the management system of the advantages of economic regulation of logistics business processes implemented jointly by means of physical and virtual (digital) control circuits.

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