
The paper analyzes the artistic features of I. Lisnyanskaya’s “final” book of poems “Echo” (2005). The aim of the study is to identify the problematic, thematic and genre uniqueness of the book of poems “Echo”. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that this edition by the modern poetess is comprehended in the stated aspect for the first time. As a result, we have found the following: firstly, I. Lisnyanskaya actively develops Christian themes and motifs, her creative work belongs to the “Orthodox-contemplative” (N. N. Gordienko) direction in modern spiritual poetry. Secondly, I. Lisnyanskaya’s collection of poems “Echo” is a complex meta-genre form – the “final” book of poems structured according to the genre canon, which was developed by Russian poets of the second half of the 19th century; religious and spiritual-moral motifs are the plot-forming basis of the book, the images of Golgotha, Judas, Sodom, Gomorrah, Sulamith and others perform an important ideologic and semantic function. Thirdly, the “final” book of poems “Echo” shows the life journey of the persona closely merged with the image of the author; overcoming her own guilt and responsibility for the imperfections of the modern world, I. Lisnyanskaya creates the poetry of “penitential conscience”, which is based on the way to God.

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