
Annexation of western Ukrainian lands by Poland in 1919 and the decision of the Council of Ambassadors of the Entente (March 14, 1923) to transfer Galicia under the jurisdiction of the Second Polish Republic created specific features for the press advertising development. The article analyzes and characterizes advertising materials in the following periodicals and journals: Vidrodzhennia (Renaissance), Vohni (Lights), Dzvinochok (Handbell), Dzvony (Bells), Zhyttia i Znannia (Life and Knowledge), Kino (Cinema), Svitlo i Tin’ (Light and Shadow), Svit Dytyny (Child’s World), Uchytelske Slovo (Teacher’s Word) and Shlyakh Natsiyi (Nation’s Way). It has been substantiated that the intensity, subject matter and contents of advertising activity are organically related to the socio-political, socio-economic and cultural legal processes and to the efficiency of press edition functioning. It has been shown that advertising plays an important role in improving the development of various sectors of economy, culture and art, everyday human needs and mass communication media. It has been emphasized that the interdependent positive influence of economy, press and advertising create the necessary prerequisites for the development of the life-giving environment. The article, based on a comprehensive analysis of advertising messages, reveals the psychological foundations of the national dominant of press advertising activity in Eastern Galicia, summarizes the advertising experience in the context of moral, spiritual and national education, formation of civic consciousness and statist approach, universal humanitarian values, international mutual respect and tolerance. The paper characterizes specific advertising features for all population segments differing by profession, age and sex: men, women, youth, children and adolescents. The focus has been made on the ideological concept of advertising messages in the conditions of statelessness of the Ukrainian nation.

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