
The article is devoted to the subject insufficiently developed in the national historiography, especially in regard to its regional dimension. The study is conducted on materials of the Centre of documentation of public organizations of Sverdlovsk region with the assistance of the scientific and publicistic literature. The relevance of the topic is determined by its high importance for the social sciences, especially history. Scientific novelty of the work is seen in the fact that the new materials discovered by the author in mentioned archive are introduced into scientific usage. The purpose of the article was to identify the crisis period in development of subsidiary farms of enterprises and organizations in Sverdlovsk region. It is noted that these farms were a unique phenomenon in the world economy. It is alleged that their appearance was caused by the low level of material security of the population of the Soviet Union, especially by food shortages. It is stated that during the war years subsidiary farms were created at the majority of enterprises in the country. It is emphasized that during the war the role of personal subsidiary farms of the population was even more important. It is stated that considered period was actually the period of the extinction of activities of subsidiary farms of enterprises and organizations of “the first call.” It is proved that industrial enterprises sought to get rid of burdening farms. It is declared that the post-war crisis of subsidiary farms of enterprises and organizations coincided with the crisis of agriculture in general, and primarily the collective farms. The conclusion is that subsidiary farms of enterprises and organizations played a role in alleviating the food situation in the years of the Great Patriotic war, but their role should not be exaggerated.


  • It is stated that during the war years subsidiary farms were created at the majority of enterprises in the country

  • The conclusion is that subsidiary farms of enterprises and organizations played a role in alleviating the food situation in the years of the Great Patriotic war, but their role should not be exaggerated

  • TsDOOSO — Tsentr dokumentatsii obshchestvennykh organizatsiy Sverdlovskoy oblasti

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Зерновые Картофель Овощи Кормовые Всего

К сожалению, неопровержимые факты говорят о том, что Средний Урал испытал в годы войны не только «серьезные трудности в снабжении», но и откровенный голод: из-за крайне недостаточного питания в военные годы в Свердловской области умирали и дети, и взрослые (умирали, впрочем, и после окончания войны). Денисевич в своей монографии привел страшные факты гибели детей от голода в нашей области в годы войны. П. Мотревич, изучавший рассекреченные материалы (спецсообщения) архива УФСБ по Свердловской области, в своей работе обоснованно утверждает: «Голод и массовая дистрофия приводили к тому, что на Среднем Урале нередкими были случаи убийства детей и самоубийства Спецсообщения содержат сведения о случаях каннибализма и трупоедства в эти годы. Действительно, в 1950 году посевные площади и валовое производство колхозов СССР составляли 97 % от уровня 1940-го, а поголовье скота возросло всего лишь на 2,5 млн голов [ЦДООСО, ф. Движение поголовья продуктивного скота в ПХПО Свердловской области в 1945—1953 гг., тыс. голов

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