
The article aims to study and characterize the scientific works of domestic and foreign historians dedicated to the Moldavian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic - a nation-state entity that existed as part of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic during 1924-1940. The research methodology is based on the general research principles of historicism, objectivity, scientificity, and special historical methods of historiographical, logical, and source analysis, as well as narrative and problem-chronological. The scientific novelty of the work is that it conducted a comprehensive study of the scientific achievements of Ukrainian and Moldovan scientists’ problems related to the formation, features of socio-economic and ethno-national development, as well as the liquidation of the Autonomous Republic of Moldova. Conclusions. The historiography of the chosen problem can be divided into several main periods. The first of them is the work of Soviet researchers. Based on the methodological principles they used, it can be noted that the subject of their research was the historical preconditions for the formation of the Republic and its success in socialist construction. Considerable attention in their works is paid to national and cultural construction, development of education, and culture. The second period covers the works of modern Ukrainian scientists. In the early 1990s, favourable conditions were created for an objective study of the previously unknown and hidden pages of the history of MASSR. This applies primarily to the study of the real reasons for its creation, ethnic composition, mass repressions of the interwar period, as well as foreign policy preconditions for the liquidation of the Autonomous Republic in 1940. The third stage includes the scientific work of historians of Moldova. Its characteristic feature is the study of state-building processes that took place in the Republic and their impact on the formation of the national consciousness of the Moldovan population. To the fourth, we tend to include the works of researchers of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic. They actively study the local lore problems of the history of MASSR and the history of individual settlements in the region. The methodological principles they use give grounds to consider them part of pro-Russian and openly anti-Moldovan historiography.

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