
Since the second half of the 19th century, a new committee was created to prepare for the transformation of the spiritual and educational institutions. The new committee in the devel-opment of the charter took into account the suggestions of the special Committee for the prepara-tion of the «Draft charter of 1862». The new charter includes the definition of an educational institution and the evaluation of the education it provides: general, special. The disciplines and the number of hours, the coherence of subjects with theological lessons were determined. A problem-atic issue of the Tambov Seminary at that time was a large number of state-serving students and the constant growth of eparchial funds for the maintenance of the seminary, the decision of which was taken up by the newly created temporary committee for improving the life of the seminary. The year 1860 in the Tambov Seminary became transitional, from which gradual preparation began for changes in the teaching and educational processes of the seminary, including the search for additional funds for household needs, the introduction of new and the abolition of certain subjects, as well as the development of programs in those subjects that remained in a seminar course. The participation of the Seminary pedagogy corporation in the preparation of the new charter inspired teachers and contributed to the fact that already in the first half of the 1860s they aimed to update many aspects of the life of the Tambov Seminary.

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