
While implementing European integration processes in the educational space of Ukraine, medical higher education did not remain aloof. The main stage of quality control of higher medical education by means of information and communication technologies (ICT) was the reformatting of the license integrated exam Step 1 “General medical training”, which was taken by students of higher medical education in the specialties “Medicine”, “Medical psychology” and “Pediatrics” in Unified State Qualification Exam (USQE) STEP 1 (USQE STEP 1) separately for each specialty. Thus, unlike other European countries, since 2019, Ukraine has been training specialists in specialty “Pediatrics” at the stage of undergraduate training. Purpose - to conduct a comparative analysis of the results of the first stage of the USQE STEP 1 by applicants for higher medical education in the specialty 228 "Paediatrics" in Ukraine and the Bogomolets National Medical University. Materials and methods. Analytical references to the results of the first stage of the USQE Step 1, which are provided by the Testing Center at the Ministry of Health of Ukraine for the period from 2019 to 2021; the statistical significance of comparative indicators was proved using Fisher’s test, with a statistical error that corresponded to the specified value for ≤0.05. Results. During the period of remote and transitional forms of organization of the educational process in higher medical education (2019-2021), stabilization of education was achieved thanks to ICT tools: the overall success rate of applicants for specialty 228 “Pediatrics” in Ukraine increased by 3.0%. Effective adaptation measures have been taken to organize the educational process at Bogomolets National Medical University by means of ICT for applicants of specialty 228 “Pediatrics”: the overall success rate increased by 2.1% against the background of a 4% decrease in the national rate. Improvement of the methodological conditions of the organization of the educational process of training applicants of higher medical education in specialty 228 “Pediatrics” was proven by the methods of mathematical statistics. Conclusions. The obtained results prove the effectiveness of organizational forms of training in separate periods with the use of ICT tools with the use of mathematical statistics methods. The analysis of the main indicators made it possible to identify the conditions and factors affecting the results of the successful completion of the USQE STEP 1, which made it possible to implement ICT tools that contributed to increasing the efficiency of the educational process. No conflict of interests was declared by the authors.

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