
Job discipline plays an important role in enhancing the government work environment and ensuring the public employee’s performance of his work tasks to the fullest. Therefore, the research will discuss: a statement of the nature, scope and rules of job discipline, and identifying the penalties for violating it and not adhering to its rules, to present a specialized study for administrative bodies and their employees related to discipline. To assist them in carrying out their mission and the success of their goals. This research concluded: that the goal of applying and adhering to the rules of job discipline is to raise the efficiency of the administrative apparatus and fight administrative corruption, and beatings at the hands of employees who do not adhere to and violate the rules of job discipline, which is the policy pursued by the state at the present time in its desire to achieve better Services and welfare for its citizens through government institutions of all kinds. This research ended with: An appeal to the administrative authorities and institutions in the Kingdom to tighten control and follow-up on employees, and the need to cooperate with the Anti-Corruption Commission, especially with regard to combating administrative corruption for workers in the state’s administrative apparatus when they do not adhere to the rules of job discipline and deviate from them, which is consistent with the policy of The rational government of the Kingdom calling for combating corruption in all its forms, and working to raise the level of service provided by government agencies to citizens, in line with the Kingdom’s future vision 2030.

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