
Formulation of the problem. Analysis of competitiveness factors and identification of mechanisms for managing competitiveness in the modern digital economy, both at the enterprise level and at the national economy level, is a necessary tool for today's changing economic environment. The purpose of the article is to investigate trends and factors that determine the competitiveness of the national economy in the context of digitalization. The object of the study is the digital economy as a medium for forming the competitiveness of the national economy. Methods used in the study. System approach, structural-logical and statistical analysis, generalization. The hypothesis of the study. Competitiveness factors are being transformed as part of the development of the digital economy. Statement of the main material. Distinctive features of the digital economy are formulated as key factors of economic competitiveness at both the micro and macro levels. The world experience in developing state policy in the field of digital economy demonstrates a keen understanding of the need to use digital economy tools to increase the level of national competitiveness. The analysis of the directions of the policy of digitalization of the economy of the Republic of Belarus allowed us to state certain, but insufficient, efforts of the government to form a holistic approach to digitalization at all levels of government. Originality and practical value. Transformation of competitiveness factors in the digital economy, identification of a number of competitive trends and the main factors of success in digitalization as factors of competitiveness. Conclusions. The main factors of success in digitalization are properly organized state policy, increased interest from the industrial sector, and their competent interaction, taking into account the specifics of the goals of each of the agents.

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