
The aim of the article is to study the dichotomous influence of the globalization process on the development of the labor potential of enterprise, also to find directions to reduce the negative impact of this influence. The article emphasizes that for competitive existence under the influence of globalization factors, modern industrial enterprises need to use new approaches to the development of labor potential. The existing approaches to determining the essence of the labor potential of enterprises are analyzed and it is found that the main attention of researches was paid to the influence of internal or external factors. Instead, the author has proposed to consider the definition of labor potential from the point of view of the dichotomous influence of the globalization process with the subsequent search for ways to reduce the negative impact of this influence. The processes of formation and development of the labor potential of enterprise are singled out and detailed with the help of comparative characterization. I. e.: it is determined that the formation of labor potential is a continuous process that lasts throughout the entire period of functioning of the labor force and covers the qualitative and quantitative aspects of its formation. Simultaneously, the process of development of labor potential means the acquisition of new characteristics and properties that contribute to its optimization and increase in efficiency. It is determined that the use of labor potential can be carried out in two ways: intensive – which affects the qualitative characteristics of the potential, or extensive – which is aimed at increasing the number of employees or changing the organizational structure. The regularities of development of labor potential are considered, which indicate its constant changes in a progressive or regressive direction, such as: development of one component of labor potential affects its overall development or initiates it; progress of the basic elements of labor potential determines the development of derivative components; development of individual elements of labor potential creates conditions for the emergence of new elements; emergence of a new element in the labor potential changes its characteristics; replacement of one element of labor potential with another leads to its change; quantitative, qualitative, and structural changes in labor potential lead to changes in its quality; changes in individual elements of labor potential can occur in the direction of both improvement and degradation, while the vectors of changes in different elements can be different too. It is proposed to conditionally consider the process of formation of labor potential at the macro-, meso- and micro-levels, because at each of them there are certain factors and different information on the analysis of existing problems, and the process of development of labor potential will be considered from the standpoint of three interrelated directions: quantitative, qualitative, and structural changes. The practical significance of the publication lies in the possibility of optimal formation and development of the labor potential of domestic enterprises, which will allow them to provide competitive advantages in the available markets.

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