
The article is devoted to the issues of defining state ideology through the prism of conservative political and legal doctrine. The authors note that one of the most important problems of modern Russian society is the search for a unifying state idea. However, no one creates an ideology from scratch; in its search, society uses the spiritual experience of previous generations. The connection of the concept of "ideology" with the concept of "state" reflects a social process in which an idea significant for the majority of the people is recognized and protected by the state as a guiding one. According to the authors, Russian society is currently in need of consolidating ideas more than ever. The dominance of liberal ideology leads to the atomization of society and leads it to a dead end. In this regard, the epoch of the XIX - early XX centuries is of interest, when the battles of Westerners and Slavophiles (liberals and conservatives) were fought not only in theory, but also in practice. The 19th century in the state and legal history of Russia is characterized by repeated attempts at liberal reforms, the formation of legal science focused on Western political and legal thought, the tendency to systematize knowledge about law, careful development of issues of legal technique, broad scientific generalizations, and the comparative method. The authors conclude that the conservative political and legal doctrine provides answers to many challenges of our time. It is time to recall the words of St. Theophan the Recluse: "The fundamental principles of Russian life are expressed in three familiar words: Orthodoxy, autocracy, nationality. That's what you need to keep! Russian Russian people will cease to be Russian when these beginnings change."

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