
The recovery of Ukraine, on the one hand, must take place very quickly, on the other hand, after the end of the war, Ukraine will face not only the problems of restoring industry and infrastructure, but also the demographic crisis, the loss of markets and logistical advantages, which will require building new ties and entering new markets. At this, a localized and certified production of medical products as part of the overall recovery process can contribute to solving the indicated problems. The purpose of the study is to identify the possibility of applying the advantages of contract manufacturing in the medical industry as a component of the process of recovering the industrial potential of Ukraine, taking into account the main world trends in this direction and development programs of countries that can become new trading partners of Ukraine. The study is based on a combination of methods of scientific knowledge with general scientific and special methods of analysis and synthesis, statistical quantitative and qualitative comparison and analogies. The experience of post-war industrial recovery in other countries of the world is identified in order to allocate the key factors that contributed to the successful restoration of production capacities. The development of contract manufacturing as one of the potential instruments for the recovery of industrial production in Ukraine after the ceasure of hostilities is considered. The current state of the sphere of contract manufacturing in the world market, in particular in the context of the European region and the countries of the Arabian Peninsula, is studied. The key trends and prospects for the development of this industry are defined, as well as its significance for the resumption of industrial production in Ukraine after the end of the war, in particular in the medical field, is substantiated. The importance and expediency of using the advantages of contract manufacturing as an effective instrument for the implementation of strategies for the recovery and development of the national industrial sector of Ukraine are substantiated. Recommendations are outlined and approaches to the introduction of contract manufacturing in the medical industry are elaborated, which will assist to improving the health of the population and stabilizing the country’s economy.

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