
We presented the analysis of the working conditions of teachers, from which it becomes clear that low indicators of health and professional self-awareness characterize the modern teacher. The negative consequences of professional activity in school include the emergence of overvoltage of the nervous system, leading to internal emotional devastation and the development of “emotional combustion” syndrome among teachers; development of hypodynamics leading to disorders in the musculoskeletal system and cardiovascular system; overwork and problems with vision, speech apparatus, gastrointestinal tract, respiratory system. Among the leading factors of the occurrence of the listed diseases, teachers refer to the tension of professional activity, insufficient motor activity, low level of material support, absence of a system of social support for pedagogical personnel. The preservation, strengthening and restoration of the professional health of the teacher should be based on self-preservation behaviour and healthy lifestyle of the members of the profession. We assumed that the formation of a system of knowledge and skills related to professional safety, health protection, prevention of certain diseases of teachers should be laid down during the period of study at the university, including in the process of introducing digital technologies into the physical education of students.

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