
The article examines the approaches to the regulation of migration processes by the major Eurosceptic parties. Based on the analysis of statistical information, it is established that the EU countries are among the world leaders in terms of the number of accepted migrants, which makes the migration agenda one of the most topi-cal and discussed in the EU countries. Large migration flows, among other risks, carry security risks. he events of New Year’s Eve in Cologne (2015), terrorist attacks in the editorial offices of Charlie Hebdo magazine (2015), Nice (2016), riots in France (2023), etc. have become a catalyst for the rise in anti-migrant sentiment and the growing popularity of parties advocating a tougher migration policy. In 2022, European countries are faced with a huge flow of refugees from the territory of Ukraine (more than 8 million according to the UN), which, despite being culturally and mentally much closer than migrants from Africa and the Middle East, in the absence of proper regulation can also be a source of economic and criminal problems, which again, as in 2015–2016, it necessary to pay close attention to the measures proposed by the parties of European skeptics.

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