
To obtain high-quality planting material, high and stable raspberry yields in unstable weather conditions, it is necessary to develop resource-saving technologies that are currently not available for the Central Non-Сhernozem region of the European part of Russia. The purpose of the study is to identify the features of raspberry water consumption under various drip irrigation regimes in the conditions of the Central Non-Chernozem region of Russia. Field studies were carried out on the basis of the laboratory of fruit growing «Michurinskiy Sad» of the Russian State Agrarian University – Moscow Agricultural Academy named after C.A. Timiryazev. A two-factor fi eld experiment was laid down in the fall of 2019. Drip irrigation of raspberries can signifi cantly save irrigation water in comparison with other irrigation methods (furrows, sprinkling, etc.). The conducted studies showed that in the variant of the experiment with maintaining soil moisture in the range of 80-100% of the lowest moisture capacity, the saving of irrigation water compared to furrow irrigation was on average 65%, and in the variant of 60-80% of the lowest moisture capacity – 78%. In addition, the use of local irrigation contributes to the creation of an optimal water-air regime of the soil. The highest total water consumption is characterized by the variant of the experiment with maintaining moisture in the root layer of the soil in the range of 80-100% of the lowest moisture capacity (on average 4342 m3/ha), and the smallest – 60-80% of the lowest moisture capacity (on average 4026 m3/ha). The study of the contribution of the main elements of the water balance to water consumption showed that for the irrigated variants of the experiment, precipitation has a signifi cant share (from 71 to 81%), and the contribution of the irrigation rate to the total water consumption is from 15 to 22%.

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