
Geodetic support for the construction and operation of high-speed railway lines requires high-precision geodetic work both at the construction stage and during the operation of the facility. The ge-odetic setting-out network, being the basis for the construction of the highway, requires special care and high measurement accuracy for its creation. An analysis of the studies performed in this area shows their insufficiency or incorrectness, and a comparison of current regulatory documents shows their inconsistency. In this article it is calculated on the basis of the results of existing scientific works what should be the required accuracy of building a planned setting-out network for the construction of a railway with speeds up to 400 km/h. The correctness of the result obtained has been proved based on the analysis of existing regulatory documents of various countries providing high-speed rail communication. Based on the findings, practical recommendations on methods for constructing a planned setting-out network for the construction of a high-speed railway and fixing its points are given, which can significantly reduce the cost and labor intensity of work on its creation. The imperfection of the Russian regulatory framework in the field of construction of such facilities as well as the direction of further necessary research in the field of geodetic support for their construction are shown.

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