
This article focuses on problem of development of future educators’ ability to self-knowledge and self-improvement in process of studying at higher education institution. Performed analysis of researches of the problems of development of self-knowledge in students of pedagogical specialties. Indicated that the ability to self-knowledge is the basis for self-improvement and professional self-identification, disclosure of cognitive abilities, actualization of value attitude to participants of pedagogical process. Determined, that self-knowledge is a form of emotional and evaluative attitude to yourself in the leading stages ontogenetic development and it is a base and incentive for self-education, self-development and the factor of self-realization of the teacher. Considered the forms and methods of work with students, that are directed at mastering anatomical, physiological and pedagogical knowledge about person at some different stages of its development while studying disciplines and extracurricular work. Provided topics and contents of the tasks for students from the educational disciplines «Anatomy and Physiology of the Child», «Fundamentals of Medical Knowledge», examples of application of interactive technologies (business and simulation games training sessions, disputes, quizzes) which contribute to the formation of healthcare-saving competence and orientate future teachers to develop own strategy of innovative professional activities. Presented purpose objectives of the center of self-knowledge and self-development at Pedagogical institute on the basis of which solved the tasks of professional self-identification of the future educators. Described effective forms of extracurricular work with first year students based on the center. Provided topics of trainings, master classes, workshops, individual consultations for the purpose of quickly adaptation to a new social role of «student» and establishing in his professional choice, formation of abilities to self-knowledge and self-development.

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