
The article is devoted to the controversial and multifaceted ideological heritage of Andrei Mikhailovich Kurbsky (1528-1583). Kurbsky is distinguished by the width of views in attracting various sources from translation literature from the Orthodox East, from translations that existed in Russia, and from the West. According to the author, Andrei Kurbsky’s independent works and translations reflect his eschatological paradigm: the coming end of the world and the ultimate struggle of the forces of good and evil, the battle between gnosis and ignorance. Kurbsky understands the battle with the forces of evil, the antichrist, and the fight against heterodoxy followers as a spiritual act. The Protestant heterodoxy followers must be fought against spiritually, exposing and enlightening them, but not destroying them physically, which is already a model of medieval tolerance. The translation plane for patristic texts and the education system proposed by Prince Andrew give spiritual weapons to gnostic soldiers in the final battle with the forces of evil.

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