
Until recently, only the trunk of a tree was recognized as valuable in the forest industry, and everything else, including the crown, was considered waste. Logging wastes cluttered felling sites and created a favorable environment for habitation and reproduction of forest pests, as well as contributed to the emergence of forest fires. Today, wood greens are used as a raw material in the logging industry for the production of pellet fuels; in the woodchemical complex for the manufacture of chlorophyll-carotene pastes, sodium chlorophyllin, and coniferous healing extract; in agro-industrial production to obtain coniferous vitamin flour. Analysis of literature sources showed that fibreboards are widely used in housing construction as structural, finishing, and insulating materials. The advantage of fibreboards is the ability to impart special properties to them, such as fire resistance, water resistance, biostability, soundproofing, and heat-insulating ability by adding various components to the fibreboard at the manufacturing stage. Studies of the effect of adding coniferous flour on the quality indicators and physical and mechanical parameters of the finished fiberboard have been carried out in order to solve the problem of expanding the raw material base for fiberboard production. The possibility of using this raw material in the form of coniferous flour in the production of fiberboard has been substantiated. The influence of the percentage of needle flour in the total volume of wood fiber pulp and particle size on the qualitative indicators of the material is shown. Statistical and mathematical equations and graphical dependencies have been obtained. They allow predicting the indicators of fiberboards for a given content and particle size of flour from coniferous greens. The optimal size of the particles of coniferous flour and its content in the fibreboard at which the values of physical and mechanical indicators of the finished product meet the requirements of the State Standard GOST 4598-86 are determined. For citation: Zyryanov M.A., Medvedev S.O., Mokhirev A.P. Effect of Addition of Chopped Needles on the Fiberboard Quality Indicators. Lesnoy Zhurnal [Russian Forestry Journal], 2021, no. 3, pp. 125–132. DOI: 10.37482/0536-1036-2021-3-125-132

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