
Nowadays, about half of the world’s population lives in cities. Green spaces, as well as the condition of landscaping facilities and the quality of woody and shrubby plants play an important role in creating a comfortable environment and improving the ecological conditions for people living in the city. The research purpose is to assess the current state of landscaping objects, the quality of woody and shrubby plants and the resistance of tree species to anthropogenic loads using Krasnodar as a case study. The following parks and squares became the research objects: Solnechny Ostrov (“Sunny Island”) Park, Park named after Maxim Gorky, Kuban Stadium Park, Chistyakovskaya Grove, Botanical Garden of Professor I.S. Kosenko, Marshal Zhukov’s Park, Druzhba Narodov Square, Mayskiy Square, Square named after L.G. Gatov, Vishnyakovsky Square, Square named after Ivan Kochubey, Festivalny Square, and Novorozhdestvenskiy Square. The research was carried out in 2016–2019. During the research, 27 options of studies were described, 2634 trees and shrubs, their 50 species and forms related to 2 groups, 21 families and 30 genera were studied. The plantations that occupy large areas of the landscaping sites were sampled for study. An assessment of the state of woody species in Krasnodar was carried out. The results are compared with those obtained by other authors. Among the studied species, 16 woody species meet the recommendations of Dyuval’-Stroyev M.R. and 27 do not meet them; no data is available for 7 species. Having analyzed the main characteristics of native and invasive woody and shrubby species used in landscaping of Krasnodar, we come to the conclusion that the main part of introduced species belongs to the strongly weakened category, while the native species are in the weakened category. At present, the conditions for tree growth in Krasnodar have changed: anthropogenic load has increased. In this regard, there is a need for further inventory of tree species and assessment of woody and shrubby plants to create a complete database of trees and shrubs that are most resistant to the current urban conditions. For citation: Primakov N.V. Prospects for Woody and Shrubby Plants in the Landscaping of Krasnodar. Lesnoy Zhurnal [Russian Forestry Journal], 2022, no. 1, pp. 98–109. DOI: 10.37482/0536-1036-2022-1-98-109


  • As well as the condition of landscaping facilities and the quality of woody and shrubby plants play an important role in creating a comfortable environment and improving the ecological conditions for people living in the city

  • The research purpose is to assess the current state of landscaping objects, the quality of woody and shrubby plants and the resistance of tree species to anthropogenic loads using Krasnodar as a case study

  • Having analyzed the main characteristics of native and invasive woody and shrubby species used in landscaping of Krasnodar, we come to the conclusion that the main part of introduced species belongs to the strongly weakened category, while the native species are in the weakened category

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Объекты и методы исследования

В Краснодаре насчитывается более ста объектов озеленения. Описано 27 вариантов исследований, изучено 2634 дерева и кустарника. Расположение объектов исследований в Краснодаре представлено на рис. 1. Исследования проводили по общепринятым методикам и рекомендациям. Фиксировали следующие таксационные характеристики: происхождение, высоту, диаметр, бонитет, экологическое состояние (по санитарному состоянию деревьев) и др. Количество ПП соответствует количеству вариантов исследований, т. В каждом варианте проводили сплошной перечет деревьев и кустарников. Детальное изучение всех древесно-кустарниковых пород на каждой из ПП проводили, объединяя древесно-кустарниковые породы по видам. Размер желтых точек показывает различие между крупными объектами (парками) и более мелкими (скверами)

Результаты исследования и их обсуждение
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