
A memorandum on the establishment of the Tourist Cluster «Teteriv» in the Zhytomyr Region was signed in 2019. The geoplanning of Teteriv Tourist Cluster is the first major aim of this article. It demonstrates the importance of identifying cluster with significant potential. The article is devoted to the systematizing the conditions and factors of Tourist Cluster "Teteriv". This article shows how the need for cluster policy can be assessed and how it is affected by the different characteristics and success factors of cluster. This article helps to understand what distinguishes a cluster from a random collection of organisations and competencies. In contrast to traditional, the cluster approach integrates different policies aiming at maximising the positive of tourism clusters. The objective of this approach is a strategic, holistic and sustainable investment of funds to secure prosperity, competitiveness and innovativeness of the region. Cluster has formed around specific recreational and tourist resources. Today, the determinants of successful cluster development can be influenced by policy to a substantial degree. Benefits for companies: рroximity to markets, the presence of input and equipment suppliers, supplies of specialised labour, the availability of infrastructure, the economies of scale in production, low transaction costs, superior access to information institutional support. benefits for regions: better regional organisation capacity, increased attractiveness of the regional labour market, strengthening regional key sectors, improved business environment, better assets in locational competition, attracting foreign direct investment. The practice of tourism business shows that it is in the conditions of the development of enterprises cluster systems that will be able to form unique competencies, optimally use the resource potential and strategic opportunities, and obtain synergistic and multiplicative economic benefits. Finally, article provides an overview on the measures for cluster development according to the nature and needs of cluster. Cluster policies can trigger positive developments but they do also inherit risks. The system of strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats to the development of the Tourist Cluster "Teteriv" is formed as a result of the application of SWOT- analysis.

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