
The concept of the ‘enemy’ in the literature of the Turkic peoples of the Post-Soviet Turkic states is an important aspect of the study of cultural, identity and political relationships of these peoples. This article will consider various characteristics of the image of the enemy in the works of Turkic literature, as well as their influence on the formation of the ideologeme of the enemy among the Turkic peoples of the USSR in the period from the 1920s to the 1960s. The ideological and social factors associated with the Soviet era played an important role in shaping the image of the enemy in Turkic literature. However, it is worth noting that this image had its own regional characteristics, which reflected local cultural contexts. New enemy images such as "Basmachi", "Musavatists", "Jadidists" and others appeared in the works of the Turkic peoples of the USSR, in addition to the usual images of enemies developed in Russian Soviet literature. The mentioned images reflected the specific historical and socio-political conditions of these regions.

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