
This paper is devoted to the analysis of public procurement's directions in Ukraine from the point of view of the main subjects of procurement. The analysis was performed by aggregate units of CPV (The Common Procurement Vocabulary) as a whole on the public procurement system ProZorro and for the most used procurement procedures (sub-threshold procurements, contract reporting, open tenders, open tenders with English-language publication) in two dimensions – for all suppliers and separately – for private entrepreneurs. Private entrepreneurs were selected as typical representatives of small and medium-sized business in Ukraine. For the analysis we closed the dimension of «contract», i.e. the final stage of the procurement process, because it more clearly presents the real state of economic relations between the government entities and the supplier of goods / services. The main stages of this study were as follows. At the first step, data were collected about the concluded contracts in terms of aggregated divisions of the CPV lot. Next, we calculated the specific weights for each of the divisions and chose the three largest categories in each of them according to parameters of the number of contracts and their current value. In the third step, the obtained data were collected in a common space for all suppliers and separately for private entrepreneurs and calculated the «rating» of particular divisions of the CPV lot by their presence in the top three in terms of the number of contracts and their value. The purpose of this step was to identify those items of procurement that are perspective in terms of enhancement the participation of private entrepreneurs as suppliers of government entities. We addressed the question – do private entrepreneurs follow the general trends of participation of businesses in government procurement, for which procurement items does it make sense to follow the general trend, and which procurement items are of specific for procurement by private entrepreneurs? We considered the most specific procurement items that private individuals are able to procure to the government entities, as well as those CPV divisions that have the potential to enhance the private entrepreneurs's participation in public procurement.

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