
The study compared the processes of loss of analyticity by three-verb adverbial participle analytical constructions in two manifestations of the verbal culture of the ethnic group: the language of Tuvan fiction and sounding folklore texts. This comparison revealed their active progress along the path of synthesis and fairly strong positions of analyticity. The complete loss of the external interword pause in the sound envelopes of the constructions in question indicates the active development of constructions along the path of the loss of analyticity. Nevertheless, the preservation in most examples of a strong intersyllable pause as a vestige of the external interword pause indicates the incompleteness of phonetic transformation processes of these constructions. The tendency for three-verb adverbial participle analytical constructions to become synthesized in the Tuvan folklore language, with one marker being the ellipsis of the adverbial indicator -p, is realized with different dynamics in the main verbs and auxiliary verbs. The main verb in the composition of the constructions analyzed tends to preserve relative independence (phonetic, grammatical, lexical), while auxiliary verbs undergo complete or partial desemantization, i.e., they lose their morphological status and sound fragments. The dynamic weakening of the positions of speech pause in the delimitative function in the language of heroic legends is compensated by the stability of the adverbial formant -p of the main verb. The innovative processes of transformation are constrained by the trend towards stability, formulaicity, conservatism, being typical of the epic folklore tradition.

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