
The paper contains a sketch of thinker and publicist Roman Bzheskyi’s life and creative path whose creative contribution was not explored properly. He was a bright representative and notable figure in the history of European scientific thought. However, his name is known only within a narrow circle of experts. Roman Bzheskyi was one of those scholars and public-political figures in the twentieth century whose activity in Soviet times was hushed up, and the study of life and creative heritage has been tabooed for a long time. Mikhnovskyi 's ideology, whom he worked with at the Foreign Affairs Ministry, substantially influenced Bzheskyi’s political views. Their correspondence has been stored in the archives of Warsaw. R. Bzheskyi’s ideology was strengthened particularly by the influence of D. Dontsov's "Nationalism" philosophy that he considered to be the philosophical basis of natural sciences and psychology. The creative work of the scientist consists of criticism and analysis of Ukrainian politicians and artists, whose activities had a significant impact on all spheres of life of Ukrainian society. Perhaps the criticism of Russia has the most important place in R. Bzheskyi’s researches. Besides the matters of Russian state policy, its economic and political control, Bzheskyi in one of the papers concerns the Russian state’s formation. Roman Bzheskyi understood that the Soviet Union peoples’ denationalization was the most important Russian problem at that time. He emphasized that the Kremlin authorities mixed Ukrainian and Moscow history for a long time, so that Ukrainians felt themselves "the sons of a province" and were deprived of their own world outlook and self-identity. Russian language, literature, music and culture as a whole are created by many powerful contributions from outside. In addition, the painful R. Bzheskyi’s topic was not only the political but also the cultural life of Ukraine. He reacted keenly to the world’s underestimating Ukrainian poets, writers, and playwriters. R. Bzheskyi closely connected the analysis and criticism of the works by Ukrainian thinkers, writers or politicians with the cultural and spiritual realm that was the backbone of Ukrainianry. After all, to preserve the past of the Nation for the next generations, we must know the history well.


  • The paper contains a sketch of thinker and publicist Roman Bzheskyi’s life and creative path whose creative contribution was not explored properly

  • Roman Bzheskyi was one of those scholars and public-political figures in the twentieth century whose activity in Soviet times was hushed up, and the study of life and creative heritage has been tabooed for a long time

  • Dontsov's "Nationalism" philosophy that he considered to be the philosophical basis of natural sciences and psychology

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Аналіз творчої діяльності українських митців у дослідженнях Романа Бжеського Він належить до тих науковців і громадсько-політичних діячів ХХ століття, діяльність яких у радянські часи замовчувано, а на дослідження життя й творчої спадщини тривалий час було накладено табу. Творчий доробок ученого складається з критики й аналізу українських політиків і митців, діяльність яких мала істотній вплив на всі сфери життя українського суспільства.

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