
Military-technical partnership is defined as the amalgamation of responsibilities of delegated governmental bodies, structures, organizations and companies connected with development, production, trade or procurement of military equipment, including planning, coordination, organization and conduct of military equipment and services exchange.It has been identified that military-technical cooperation encompasses two main types of international military partnership, namely: the transfers of armament, military equipment and dual-purpose technology, as well as the provision of military-technical services, joint scientific research and design activities, production, marketing and trading of armament samples. The article describes how the military-technical cooperation improves the ties with partner-nations in the field of joint design, production and modernization of armament, military and other equipment, facilitates the development of export and import of military products, as well as the engagement of military assistance in regards to disposition of obsolete armament, ammunition and rocket propellant. The article analyses the main factors of activization and the general capabilities that define the military-technical partnership development. It has been noted that at the same time, countries are pursuing their military-technical cooperation and economic goals. Therefore, the article focuses mainly on the current issues of the defense industry development, that are quite difficult to deal with outside of the international military-technical cooperation field. The main types of interstate frameworks of military-technical cooperation in design and production of hi-tech weapon systems were identified. The factors that determine the success of military-technical cooperation policy and the main upto-date tendencies were defined. It was concluded that the military-technical cooperation strengthens the state’s international stance, decreases the expenses for the production and design of new armament and equipment samples, and allows the states to not only receive the cutting-edge designs, needed for the development of the defense industry, but also to increase the profits.

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