
We consider the author's definition of the social success among adolescents with disabilities as an integrative personality quality. This integrative personality quality is considered taking into account the psychological and developmental challenges of this category of adolescents, reflecting the purposeful achievement of their goals and the ability to use the achieved result for further development, contributing to successful socialization in society based on productive interaction with others. The presented structure of social success is a unity of interrelated components: value-motivational, cognitive-active, personal-creative. The value-motivational component includes achievement motivation that promotes activity, overcoming risk factors and full-fledged socialization; value orientations that determine the moral character, character and direction of behavior of adolescents with disabilities; cognitive interest that helps to reveal abilities, develop imagination, imagination and creative activity. The cognitive-activity component includes theoretical knowledge in the field of personal success, knowledge of social norms and behavioral rules that help adolescents with disabilities to establish social contact and socially successful adaptation; mastering practical skills of conscious, independent activity; interpersonal relationships and social experience that expand social horizons for adaptation in society. The personal-creative component provides for communicative skills that ensure a successful existence in society and help to build full-fledged constructive relationships; creative self-presentation skills that are indicators of personal changes and achievements; project skills and creative self-development that contribute to a positive change in personal qualities and self-expression. The presented structure of social success of adolescents with disabilities is based on the leading ideas of personal-activity, environmental, inclusive and integrative approaches.

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