
The research purpose is to evaluate and analyze the possibilities of using sponsorship in mixed martial arts in Russia. Methods and organization of the research. The following methods were used during the research: the analysis of scientific and methodological literature, documentary and Internet sources, study of the organization of promotions and mixed martial arts tournaments. Scientific articles, official documents and Internet sites of Russian and foreign mixed martial arts promotions were analyzed to achieve the goal. The analysis of materials on the possibility of using sponsorship in Russia, which were highlighted during the research, was carried out. Research results. The article presents the results of the research on the specific use of sponsorship in mixed martial arts in Russia and in the world. The sponsorship of promotions, regular tournaments and participating mixed martial arts fighters is described. The interest in mixed martial arts among different audiences is determined. The opportunities for potential sponsors and partners who will want to get their promotion through mixed martial arts are analyzed. Conclusion. According to the results of the research, we have highlighted promising opportunities for additional funding of mixed martial arts through organizing work with sponsors and partners. The data obtained allow experts to form an idea of the available opportunities in mixed martial arts, as a new channel of promotion and communication with the sports audience.

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