
Abstract http://dx.doi.org/10.9716/KITS.2013.12.3.289 논문투고일:2013년 04월 23일 논문수정완료일:2013년 06월 22일 논문게재확정일:2013년 06월 25일* 산림청 정보통계담당관실 수석아키텍트, 주저자** 고려대학교 경상대학 경영정보학과 교수, 교신저자*** 신세계아이앤씨 책임컨설턴트Korea has been ranked at the top consecutively in UN e-Governme nt Survey. This fact reflects consistent efforts by public institutes in Korea. However, there were some duplicate efforts and inefficiency in the investment into IS(information systems). In other words, management and decisio n making on e-government have yet to improved. Accordingly, governmental institutes have long been promoting p olicies for EA in order to carry out and manage effectively IT projects including the e-Government projects. EA is being regarded as a means to facilitate IT Governance for systematic management of IT projects, A major objective is to firmly establish the decision making process for IS investment through EA, since the each institute is a large o rganization with so complicated and specialized demand for IS. As a result, systematic decision making is becoming qui te difficult. Thus, this study attempts to identify different types of IT inv estment decision making and to figure out the relationship between the decision types and the organizational performance of public institutes where EA was implemented.

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