
A new version of the Regional stratigraphic chart for the Silurian of the Western Sayan and explanatory note, compiled in accordance with the Russian Stratigraphic Code, introduce changes, additional and specified data in comparison with the previous (first edition) chart. The Interdepartmental stratigraphic meeting held at Novosibirsk in 1964 approved the old version of the chart and later it was validated by the USSR Interdepartmental Stratigraphic Committee as the official stratigraphic base for all types of the regional geologic activities. Since 1964 meeting, the stages of the Silurian chart were changed. Thus, former stages Llandovery, Wenlock, Ludlow and Pridoli become series. New stages Rhuddanian, Aeronian, Telychian, Sheinwoodian, Homerian, Gorstian and Ludfordian were adopted for the three former series. For the presented stratigraphic chart the new standard Silurian stages were used.

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