
In the age of globalization, comprehensive informatization of society, the role of information processes in all types of human activities is growing, which, in turn, evokes the necessity in highly qualifi ed professionals who can work with information (collect, analyze, group, keep, distribute, etc.), using certain techniques and technologies. Training of such specialists is possible with a continuous educational process and interdisciplinary linkages. The purpose of the article is to outline the features of cross-disciplinary training of professionals in the information sector within the main disciplines, and the task is to determine the relationship between learning the basics of theory and practical skills during the teaching disciplines from the vocational training program of students. The methodological basis of suggested work contains a set of general scientifi c methods. In the process of solving the tasks, the scientifi c literature on the topic is studied and analyzed, as well as the interdisciplinary linkages in the process of preparing specialists of information aff airs at the Faculty of Journalism are systematically described. The stages of theoretical learning of the courses «Library Science» and «Creation of databases of the organization» are described and characterized. Along with that in the article it is studied the formation of practical skills, elements of cross-disciplinary, lifelong learning of students. The general conclusions are formulated with the help of methods of generalization and systematization. The scientifi c novelty of the study lies in updating the requirements of modern society to professionals of information aff airs, which includes interdisciplinary learning by students the latest information developments in the fi eld of library science, technology of information impact on society in the context of dialogue «machine–human». Conclusions and prospects for further research. It is emphasized that the educational process should provide continuous education and practical training of modern specialists in the fi eld of library science and information aff airs. Prospects for further research are the study of the signifi cant method of teaching and its implementation in other disciplines included in the curriculum of the specialty «Information, Library and Archival Aff airs».

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