
Objective of the research - clinical and epidemiological evaluation of implementation of the regional program of a vaccinal prevention and pneumococcal and respiratory viral infections. The article presents analysis of prevention programs implementation, using materials and methods of epidemiological and statistical monitoring of children with pneumonia and acute respiratory viral diseases incidences in the Amur Region. For immunization of acute respiratory viral and pneumococcal infections pneumococcal conjugate vaccine «Prevenar 13» and anti-flu vaccines were used. Analysis included data on 5000 children with SARS and pneumonia in pre and post-vaccination periods. Indicators and specific criteria were used to assess the effectiveness of vaccination. Level of acute respiratory diseases and pneumonia in vaccinated population in the region decreased by 2,5 times in 2 years. The efficiency coefficient of pneumococcal infections immunization by indicator of pneumonia cases in children reaches 75-100%. The research proved direct dependence of pneumococcal vaccination effectiveness from children’s age (r=1). The implementation of regional programs for the prevention of acute respiratory viral infections and pneumonia with vaccine against pneumococcal diseases has a high level of medical and socio-economic benefits.

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