
The Objective of this research is to identify the logistics of the coordination of the modular design processes of constructively-unifi ed rows of competitive garments. The methodology of the modern researches is a combination of analytical methods used in situational modeling of within the sets of models of stable assortment. The nomenclature of structural modules is determined by the method of generating the structural elements of the design of men's jacket design. The method of combinatorial synthesis of composite elements determines the route of modifi cation techniques in the process of developing a design documentation. Results. As a result of research of logistic coordination of sequence of cyclist of working out of a constructively-unifi ed number of models expediency of modifi cation of par ameters of a constructive prototype is revealed. The key areas of innovative technology of a modular design of a stable range are identifi ed as follows:- the objectivity of the assessment of the functionality of the product (the competitiveness of the range increases);- drawing attention to the gradation of structural states of the design object (the algorithm of design solutions is simplifi ed);- unifi cation of structural elements of constructive modifi cation (expands the possibilities of smart technologies by the search function «yes-no»);- coordination of synergetic connections in the game space of the morphological structure of the object (provides minimization of information arrays in updating the models of the industrial collection);- operational planning of stages of design and technological preparation of production (determines the vector of the models selection of an industrial series for start in technological process).Practical value. The obtained results are recommended for the implementation in the production and marketing activities of enterprises in order to increase the effi cie ncy of project documentation and, as a result, improve the competitiveness of products. Provided expansion of smart technologies in business, the logistics of accelerating the design and technological preparation of production has high prospects in application.

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