
The article covers the conditions of realization of vocational education according to dual system in Ukraine. There were analyzed the principal advantages and disadvantages of this system.The development of the economic system in Ukraine involves the labour market modernization and raising the level of population employment. Labour market of young professionals is an important component of the state’s economic sector. After all, it is the young people who have the potential to accelerate the state’s development dynamics.According to the statistics of the State Employment Service of Ukraine the unemployment rate among young people increases annually. Among the reasons for the low level of higher education institutions the graduates’ employment can be pointed out the theoretical training imperfection, lack of practical experience and the low level of working activity skills formation. The labour market requires not only professionals with special aptitude, but highly-qualified professionals capable of innovation as well. Under such conditions, the problem of future specialists training system reorganization, new educational models introduction into the educational process, and the improvement of the mechanisms of interaction between education and the labour market arises. One of the factors in solving this problem is the introduction of higher education dual form. It involves a combination of the students’ theoretical and practical training, provides an opportunity to reorient the educational goals and objectives in accordance with the employers’ requirements.A dual system is not an innovation. It was started in Germany in the 70s of the twentieth century. Today, the dual form of education effectively operates in many European countries (Belgium, Austria, Finland, Sweden, etc.). It is conceptually important that a state, an educational institution and an enterprise are together the participants in dual education, and the system of specialists training corresponds to the uniform requirements of all interested parties. Among the advantages of dual education are the following: elimination of contradictions between empirical knowledge and future professional activity, acquired competencies and occupational characteristics; formation of the students’ strong-willed motivation to acquire professional skills; close relationship between the educational institution and the enterprise; receiving time-sensitive information on the latest trends in the labour market by the educational institution.

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